Mattress cleaning

We recommend that you vacuum your mattress at least every 6 months. This will help reduce the amount of dander, dead skin cells, allergens and dust mites that has been accumulating over time. These pollutants can cause problems for those with allergies and respiratory issues. Since this furniture item gets more frequent use than other furniture items, it should be cleaned more often. You should have your mattress professionally cleaned at the least once a year.
Our service involves a complete vacuuming followed by a pre treatment to loosen soils that can’t be vacuumed away. Then the mattress is rinsed and extracted with a heated pH balanced rinsing agent and left to dry. If the mattress has staining issues, the stains are treated with the appropriate product to kill the bacteria and remove the stain. Some stains can become permanent if left untreated for a prolonged period.
A fabric protector application is recommended to assist in the removal of spills and prevent staining in the future. This will also make vacuuming much more effective as the protector won’t allow soil to adhere to the fabric as easily as with out having protector applied. The fabric protector should be allowed to dry before the mattress is used.